Not worth your sympathy: The story of Ukraine's neo-Nazi Azov battalion


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1. The Fl purpose of Project AERODYNAMIC is to exploit the anti-Soviet
Ukrainian resistance groups OJHVR, UFA, ZPUHVR and the (UN/B) in Western
Europe for intelligence purposes. The specific Fl objectives are the train-
ing and dispatch of Agents into the Soviet Ukraine to procure operational,
document and positive intelligence, and to establish a sound UHVR-CIA working
relationship both in and outside the target area through the MUM.
2. Project AERODYNAMIC was originally approved on 31 June 1951 as a
joint Fl-PP operation. To date, the project has been successful in dispatch-
ing agents into the Ukrainian SSR and has established W/T contact with two
of the agents dispatched. The field of intelligence procurement has been
limited to situation reports and a few items of military importance. Three
SODB's have been disseminated.
3. Present plans call for the continued training of three agents, recruit-
ment and training of three additional agents and the utilization of one agent
spotter in Western Europe. Agent training is being transferred from Germany
to the DOB. Detailed Commo and Logistical annexes are attached to the project